“After much thought, several readings and two in person healing sessions, I feel that what distinguishes Geertje from other healers and psychics is her brilliant sense of compassion and respect. Above all, she works with you rather than about you. While her insights are piercing, her delivery is on your level, in words and in a pace you can absorb and in concepts within which you can participate. I have no doubt she sees much more than she tells, but her integrity and humanness rules as her aim is to facilitate rather than manipulate your own understanding. Geertje has attained such a high level of artistry within her gift that you can almost sense that while she views a large mass of the tapestry, she can make lightning fast choices as to which of the threads she will interpret and transmit. It has been more than two years that I have called upon Geertje for her invaluable assistance. Without her gentle and knowing guidance, I would not have been equipped to begin to make the huge leaps that loomed so frighteningly on my path. With Geertje’s calm voice, gentle humor, and confident assurance I can utilize her extraordinary and transformative awareness for my best interests and highest purpose.”

LOVE, Martha H, NYC

“Hello Geertje, I am still savoring the exceptional and clear reading you have given me. It has touched me deeply. I feel (have felt) myself seen on a level that is essentially me. Thanxxxs!! You have given me something that allowed me to understand the deeper meaning behind important events and experiences from within. And to give it all a place….. The effect is a connection in Being, a surrender to Go Girl (Encouragement), Go with the Flow. Be life Happy and enJOY life to its fullest. There is also an inner peace that came over me like a warm blanket, fabulous!! Thanxxs 4 BEING you, just you! What also touched me deeply is your purity and your ability to read past methods and formats, from your own wisdom!”

Ilonka C. Amsterdam, The Netherlands